英國轉機及英國入境問題 - 幫幫忙~

2007-02-01 9:57 pm
今年3月24日至4月15日到英國旅行 - 首站目的地(MANCHESTER), 將會自己一個人由香港出發並選坐BA, 現有以下問題:-
1) 過關大約會問什麼問題, 由其係一個單身女仔?會否诐看成有意轉換身份做黑市居留的旅客?
2) 呢段時間英國同法國會你什麼天氣.我應該係香港打什麼衣服去.
3) 我去以上地方.邊到有名牌平野買.有沒有outlet.係邊到
4) gucci同lv係法國買定係回英國買.
5) 退稅是什麼.係法國買左野係邊到退.回英國先退還是係法國.仲有係manchester機場退還是轉機時係heathew都退呀.
6) 可以帶幾多錢入境.
7) 係香港匯錢過英國比表姐.去到叫佢攞出來給我.(這個好唔好) 要如何做才好.


回答 (2)

2007-02-01 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry I have to reply in English as I dont' have a Chinese keyboard.
1) Questions will be like .. What is the purpose of your trip? How long will you stay here for? As long as you have a return ticket you will not no problem entering UK. Please show your return ticket when going through custom area
2) England is much colder and < 10C, make sure you bring a thick light jacket. Also umberlla
3) no outlet but they do have local small shops and they sell nice stuff.
4) I would get it from England
5) If you purchase anything in ANY shops in UK more than 50GBP then you can ask for a VAT refund. The shop will provide you with a form & the store keeper will fill in the information such as how much & what you have purchased. The store person will attach your receipt to this VAT form. Make sure you collect all this forms in a safe place & go to the VAT counter at Heathrow. The VAT counter will "stamp" your VAT form & check your goods to verify. After that you can put the "stamped" forms in the VAT box. Ask the VAT counter person where the box is
6) No problem with how much you bring in
7) Bring cash & I would recommend to use credit cards rather than carrying too much cash.

have a good vacation!
2015-12-07 8:50 pm

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