關於Britney Spears的形象, 最佳答案可得十分, THX!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-01 8:47 pm
本人現須做一份Fashion Styling 的Project, 是关於Britney Spears的形象及衣著品味的。煩請各位對她的Image & Dressing style提出自己的觀感, 可以的話, 並指出她可保留或改善的地方。 Thanks a lots !

回答 (3)

2007-02-03 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
請問你想要eng 定中文回答? 我都係用中文先.
佢十幾歲出道, 正所謂脆卜卜, 佢打正旗號話自己係virgin, 所以初期baby baby one more time, dun let me be the last to know, oops i did it again, 都比較清純; 之後佢明白到成日扮純會好快睇厭, 之後有傳佢隆過
胸黎, (定係佢後來發育, 上圍越來越有睇頭)開始行性感路線, 同christina 佢世仇鬥, 好似mv toxic, my prerogative, 都好sexy, 加上佢既勁舞, 唔唱得都睇得。
之後,佢有左, 出首歌, someday u will understand,開始發福,肥左, 行唔到性感, 咪行慈母路線, 你睇佢mv 都知,當堂覺得佢成熟左。
點知離婚後, 佢跟左paris hilton , 仲唔著底褲周街走, 比記者影到相, 真嘔心, 此舉令佢的fans 開始離棄佢。
如果佢想再戰江湖, 一定要修身, 同埋蒲少d, 唔好亂搞男女關係, 應以bb 作賣點, 做個靚,sexy rock 的媽咪, 咁相信可以繼續紅。
2007-02-02 1:17 am
By the time she was a more cute, girly and sweet image, and all her looks got many praises, everyone loves her. And I love her clothes that time, so young and cute, it is what all girls and teenagers should dress like.

But after a few years, she changed her style and image into a more sexy, mature and grown up feel, and her looks started to become fashion don'ts, and all of her outfits are fashion don'ts. I hate them, I mean who would wear See-throughs everytime?? They are aweful, disgusting and it is just not the right looks for anyone.

And now, it is even more aweful, from a sweet girl to a wild young woman, and now a woman with a baby, and don't have any UNDERWEAR on when you go out. It is super disgusting and I really hate it. I wonder how her children could bear their mother when they grow up!
2007-02-01 10:53 pm
In the beginning , her style is between a teenager and adlut
but after about 2 years, her style was became more sexy.

I like the style that she had in the beginning
because now ,the cloth that she wear ~
most of them , is not even a "cloth"
it just a piece of paper to me
it make her look so cheap

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