我想問 IRRISE 呢個字點解,我查字典查唔到, 唔知呢個字係咪法文

2007-02-01 8:12 pm
我想問 IRRISE 呢個字點解,我查字典查唔到, 唔知呢個字係咪法文

回答 (2)

2007-02-01 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-02-02 7:36 pm
if there is a stress on the ending e, it could be a french word but i don't know it
i have checked it on vocabulary, but nothing
i also have checked "irrize" on english dictionary, but nothing

if there is not the stress, the word is italian

it comes from irridere
irriso is the past participle of this verb which means "to deride"
irrise is the femminine form of this past participle (italian words can be masculine or femminine, adjectives and past participle change the ending depending on the gender of the word)

irrise = derided
參考: french speaker and italian teacher

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