Describe adjustive for the object

2007-02-01 7:38 pm
i want to describe a company(design company). can i use we are creative, charming, communicative??thanks!

if i have to use 3c at the opening of each word eg: creative, charming, communicative. would u help me how to make it better???thanks!!


can i use creative,challenge, communication. actually, this is the slogan of my company, pls help urgent! Thanks!!!

回答 (2)

2007-02-02 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The adjective "communicative" has a different meaning than "communication" alone. Talkative is also communicative. Straightforward is also communicative.

As for the use of 3 adjectives starting with a C - it's very done - high-school slogan-like, and not that creative, let alone constructive.

2007-02-06 10:20:52 補充:
if you need to use 3 phrases together, you'd better off with either 3 nouns, 3 adjectives or 3 verbs...Adj: Creative, Challenging, CommunicativeV: Create, Challenge, CommunicateN: Creation, Challenge, CommunicationHTH.
2007-02-01 7:46 pm
You can say the company is innovative, customer-focused, proactive and easy to approach.

Charming is usually used to describe a person. I don't think there is an adjective known as "communicative".

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