
2007-02-01 3:36 pm
以下是我和男友之八字, 希望知道近2年內(即2009年或以前), 成婚可會成事?
我倆是相愛的, 也希望會生兒育女, 真的怕年紀大無法生仔, 而且婚事...不太順利似的.

另, 若順利成婚, 可有機會生兒女?
相反, 不幸要分手後, 我還有機會遇到"真命天子"嗎?


本人 (女) 丙辰 年 戊戌 月 癸卯 日 辛酉 時
男友 (男) 己酉 年 丙寅 月 己卯 日 己巳 時

alien3333, 謝謝你的回覆! 明白結婚的事, 以理性的去處理較應當. 只是這問題歸類到玄學八字這類別, 當然是希望以相關的紫微斗數八字命理來解答~


kent696_lam, 謝謝你的回覆, 過往的男友(包括現在的, 都不算是肥壯一族, 不過要肥壯也很容易吧, 倒過來要對方瘦削, 可能便有點困難) 我也希望大家可為我倆的八字作一推算, 期待大家的回覆~

回答 (2)

2007-02-01 5:32 pm
2007-02-01 3:46 pm
The simple answer is let Heaven take care of that.
Don't over-concern about it, if you guys are mean to be together finally
in marriage, and have babies ... you will have it ...
if you guys are not meant to be together, you guys will finally break up.

You are very smart and always think about everything, instead of being
insecure, just talk to your beloved and state your concern ...
"I want to give birth to children earlier, can we build a family together" ?
don't push too much, and see how he response, if he love you he will
work hard for you to make your dream come true.

If I measure your fate, and find out that your bf is not your final one,
will you dump him now ? I don't think so, so stop asking fate ...
instead live your life :)

best of all


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