
2007-02-01 11:31 am
我想報讀master degree. 但入學要求一定要有至少2個教授做推薦人
我的成績普通. 不太突出. 而教授只教了我一個sem.
我想用e-mail 問教授可否幫我做推薦人. 但不知道怎麼辦? 各位朋友,你們知不知道這個e-mail應該如何寫呢? 謝謝幫忙

does anyone can help me to write a sample e-mail to professor? many thanks

回答 (2)

2007-02-01 2:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I did this before and it works all the time, Good Luck!

1. Email the Professor first, make sure you have the following in the email:
- Class you took with him/her with team (eg. Fall 07) and your grade
- What school you are applying and Program
- Ask him if he/she can be your reference
- Ask if you can meet with him/her in person to further discuss

2. On the next day, prepare the following in a folder for your professor:
- Location that the letter will need to send to (what school and what program)
- Classes you taken that related to your master program and your performance
- Other activities that you involved in school
- Make sure he/she know about the due date: by when the letter need to be done

The more info you can give your Professor, the easier to get him/her to write for you.

3. After you receive the letter, make sure write him/her a thank you note. Also notify him/her if you get accepted or not; you might need his/her help again in the future.

Here is an example email, hope this helps:

Dr. XXX,

My name is XXX. I took your Fall 06 XXX class and I got an A in your class.

I am applying master program in XXX(Major) at University XXX. I am wondering if you can be my reference for my application. I can provide more supplementary information for your reference. Will you be available to meet with me this Wednesday at 3pm?

Please let me know. Thanks a lot for your help.


參考: Personal Experience
2007-02-01 11:43 am
Hah...I think you consider take the master programme in HKU. I also invited my professor help me to finish my referee's letter. You should let your professor know that you are serious in studying master programme, so you would better make an appointment with him/her and give the hardcopy of referee's letter to your professor.
參考: Me

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