
2007-02-01 11:20 am
我已經參加過公務員考試組舉辦的適當中文程度測驗並取得及格, and 我考過警察但係fail左, 如果我想考入境處我需吾需要重新考過公務員考試組舉辦的適當中文程度測驗? 我已經有cert證明我已經考左and得到 C grade,但入境處並無這記錄, only the police. 這張cert係吾係用黎考什麼都ok or as i asked 需要重新考過when i apply at another公務員department ? Hope you guys can help me thanks

回答 (1)

2007-02-01 11:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you pass the tests and the grade meets the requirement of Department, you don't need to take another test again.
參考: My friend

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