
2007-02-01 9:54 am
如果我要授權比我朋友幫我拎一d 野...要點樣寫(in eng) thanks

回答 (4)

2007-02-01 9:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
To whom it may concern-

I would like to authorize my friend [name], (please put in his/her HKID number if necessary) to pick up/collect the following items on my behalf. Thank you for your attention.

[your name]
[your signature]
參考: myself
2007-02-01 7:34 pm
Dear Sir/Madams,

I, YOUR NAME, hereby authorise Mr/Mrs/Ms NAME OF YOUR FRIEND (HIS HKID NO), representing me to receive ITEM NAME from you. Attached please find a copy of my HKID Card (OR ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS) for your perusal. Should you have any problem, please do not hesitate to contact me at TEL NO.

Yours faithfully,

2007-02-01 7:29 pm
在香港特別行政區入境事務處的網站, 裡面有很多公用表格可供下載, 其中一份表格是"領取身份證/旅行證件授權書"(表格編號:ID678), 你可以參考其格式內容, 寫出一份適合自己的授權書如下:


I,________________, authorise Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms_______________ holding identity card number___________ and residing at __________________________________________ (telephone number____________ ) to collect my _____________________ on my behalf.

Signature ________________________
Name in Block Letters _______________________
Date _____________________
2007-02-01 10:09 am
Dear Sir/Madam,

I, XYZ, HKID P987654(3), hereby authorized ABC, HKID P123456(7), to collect the "d 野" on my behalf. Enclosed is the copy of my HKID card. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on 9999-8888. Thank you.

Best regards,


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