web hosting???

2007-02-01 7:15 am
My company has one Fixed IP and a domin of -.com.hk, how can I build a sever in my company for web hosting such that buyers can reach me and see my products -- like www.communilink.net? thx

回答 (2)

2007-02-01 7:27 am
✔ 最佳答案

Install web server in the workstation u want. You can choose IIS, apache or TOM cat. It depends wheather you have some server scripting running on the server. if you want to use asp, IIS is better but it must be running on windows platform. that means you need to pay the license fee. If using PHP or JSP, either linux/unix/windows platform also can be used.
If your company access the Internet through router, you need to set up NAT for portforwarding port 80 to the web server workstation.
There should be a domain management tool provided by the domain registration company. you just log in to the tools and set the domain map to your fixed IP. If the company havn't the tool, requeset her to do so.
upload the web site files to the web publishing folder. then all are ready for public access.

2007-01-31 23:29:09 補充:
If you still have problem or want to outsource the web site to outside. I could introduce someone to you.
參考: me
2007-02-01 10:06 pm

我用左scicube兩年幾,咁耐以黎,真係down server,完全連唔上去既,唔超過5次
試過一次server down左一陣,佢搞左好耐都未查到乜事,跟住就收到email話要將嗰個server內所有客的data搬去新server。 經過個次之後,我對scicube印象即時加晒分。

我大大話話用過三四間web hosting,好多時server down左,web hosting只係會答 整緊整緊,甚至係 查緊乜事 ,拖住d客既時間但又解決唔到問題,而個次雖然scicube仲查緊乜事,都即時幫客人搬server,唔拖住d客,哩一樣係幾難得既。


據我所知,scicube有免費贊助左某d流量極大既網,如果佢間公司穩定性唔高,佢肯贊助人地,人地都未必肯俾佢贊助啦。 咪誤會我係佢間公司既職員丫,我只係有個朋友個網係佢贊助,所以我知道咋。

用依個plan :http://www.scicube.com/plan_500mb.php
(500mb + 一年國際域名寄存服務,即www.你想要的名.com)
只需 $358/ year




PS : 申請時在 Step 5 介紹人登入名稱記住填barrychann , 然後一定要按 '查詢' ,否則不能獲得一個月額外服務。

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