有關self-finance degree

2007-02-01 6:01 am
我想知道我而家讀緊polyu hkcc ge asso degree(account and finance) year1,咁我可唔可以報poly u self-finance ge accout degree,係唔係一定要asso ge year 2 先至可以報讀ga?

回答 (2)

2007-02-01 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你今年是副學生第一年的話,應該不能報讀poly u self finance account degree
因為這個programme 的入學條件是已有商業副學士資格人士,所以你必須修畢整個商業副學士課程才能報讀

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Accountancy (mixed mode)
Entrance Requirements
An Associate Degree in Business (or other non-business disciplines as deemed appropriate) from a recognised institution.
2007-02-03 9:26 am
由於你是YR 1, 所以你不能報SELF FINANCE...你要等到YR2 或者 GRAD左先可申請...CGPA大約要3.2 或以上.
參考: 自己

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