Thinkquest (everybody pls come in and give me a hand)

2007-02-01 6:00 am
I am doing a thinkquest survey, pls anser the following questions,
1. female or male?
2. Age?
3. Weight?(in kg pls)
4. Do you think that you are overweight?
5. Where do you live?
6. Do you think that being fit and good looking is important?
7. What will you do if you want to lose some weight?

回答 (2)

2007-02-01 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Female
2. 16
3. 58kg
4. yes,a little bit
5. HK
6. No
7. Do exercises and dance
8. 4
9. No
10. Because I think some of them would harm our health and I think that doing exerises and have a balanced eating habit are the best ways to keep fit.
11. Yes,they thibk slim is equal to beauty.
12. I think because they think the harm the products bringing to them is not very important than that they want to be more beautiful by using those products.

I hope these can help you~
2007-02-16 3:45 am
1. F
2. 15 1/2
3. ~45
4.No, i am too light
5. Tsuen Wan
6. not really.when comparing with health, sure they are not important. but if you say about the society, the future(career) these two factor will affect the impression of the employer. if you really want me to choose, i will say no.
7. sure i will do more exercise because i like doing exercise, i like sports. I won't eating any medicine because it is not natural.
8. 3
9. Absolutely not!
10. because it is not natural. this will affect the health. Besides, it doesn't have any good effect to our body. those which tell you it can keep you fit and slim., around half of them are too thin about the BMI.
12.becasue they just care their body shape to attract others or want others to jealous her. They don't mind wt to sacrifice their healthwhich actually is the most important thing.
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:19:51
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