
2007-02-01 4:06 am

回答 (6)

2007-02-01 4:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果有金錢但冇時間, 可以考慮下澳門都唔錯!
再唔係離島都ok架~過下二人世界, 玩下煮飯仔咁~
如果想再簡單d, 響黃金海岸d餐廳訂位食飯都好浪漫的!
再唔係自己整下d手作仔做禮物, 我相信佢會好開心的!:)
2007-02-02 9:53 pm
佢生日個日扮唔記得左, 等佢生氣完又成班人同佢慶祝
2007-02-01 5:22 am
好容易啫! 叫花舖送花去佢屋企, 一定要約某個時間送去, 張咭仔上寫住,

....我在你樓下, 喺佢屋企樓下, 舉起個好大好大既牌, 寫住....阿乜乜(佢個名),

生日快樂, ....之類, 一定要在樓上望落嚟睇到咁大, 最好有埋大聲公仲好, 你

在佢樓下用大聲公, 同佢講.....((((( 生 ~ 日 ~ 快 ~ 樂 )))), 當然唔好咁早啦,

咪俾人罵衰你, 你睇佢大約幾點起身, 起身後打電話俾佢(若然你地唔係同住),

扮唔記得佢生日喎! 然後話有緊要事要出去, 叫佢喺屋企等你, 咁就得咖啦!

之後就同佢去街食嘢, 買定一份小禮物, 夜晚食飯時送俾佢, 一早訂定枱, 最好

係西式餐廰, 可以叫佢地預備個蛋糕仔, 上面寫埋你女友個名, 我諗做女仔一定

會好驚喜, 好開心!
2007-02-01 4:24 am
make a memorable night for her..

say. wake up early morning and send a bundle of flowers to her home first;

put it at her home, then leave with her to a special place where she never went to., you need to find it out before and checked. properly it may be a beach.

Write some thing about love with her on a pink paper and put into a bottle (old strategy but useful), then store it under sand..

then go to lunch., properly a Italian restaurant with less people. Book a heart shape steak for her. If there can arrange you to cook in front of her, then execellent. you cook for her no matter it is good or not., she will die hard... and you sing a song or play piano (even a toy piano), just for funs!

then relax with movie, any sweet one and let her to reply on your shoulder.

then go shopping (but in fact you bought and put a gift at a shop), and let the shop keeper to send to her while you are singing a birthday song. hope you can request the shop sales to sing with you. the gift should be not too big...

then have a high tea at Peninsula Hotel (around HK$140/head), book two seats near window to enjoy the view.

tell her more about yourself in childhood.

then go to dine out at anywhere, not very expensive one at Soho in Central.,

with another bunch of flowers there in advance.

Comppleted and say you love her.

"if you are adults, book a nice hotel and stay overnight!" Enjoy yourself!

Thanks and hope it can help you.
2007-02-01 4:14 am
參考: 自己
2007-02-01 4:13 am
我係女性, 我唔需要好虛榮咁收花或去d好貴既餐廳食飯或慶祝, 我喜歡我男友為我煮一餐晚餐, 因為我覺得要男仔落廚係好難能可貴, 心意.

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