my dream secondary school !! (10分呀!~)

2007-02-01 2:39 am
我有一個作文比賽叫my dream secondary school .我已作好了!你們可不可以俾些意見我:
my dream secondary school should have a swimming pool, singing room and drawing.
why i choose these school facilities ? because i like sing a song,draw a pictuce and swimming.i like in school have a reading club,singing clubthis activities.i think i have known many friendly schoolmates and i have known kind teacher or staff.之後我就不知點作了,請俾些意見我.thank you

回答 (2)

2007-02-01 3:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
My dream secondary school is a school with a swimming pool, music rooms and art rooms.
Why I choose these facilities? 呢句有d 問題,你想話你想呢間學校有咩設施,咁就 I hope there will be lots of facilities in this school. 如果係點解我想間學校有呢d設施,咁就 Why do I want to have these facilities at school?
It's because I like singing, drawing and swimming. I would love it if there's a reading club and a singing club at school.

I think I have known many friendly schoolmates and I have known kind teacher or staff. 呢句文法都唔係幾正確。應該係 I hope students studying in that school can be friendly and helpful, and teachers can be understanding and patient. I hope that I can make lots of friends there, too!

跟住你可以寫你希望個學習環境係點,同埋寫多d 特別d ge 校內設施,因為音樂室、美術室應該所有中學都有。你仲可以講點解你鐘意唱歌、畫畫同游水,但係幾句就好啦,因為寫得太多關於你ge興趣ge原因,就會有dd離題。加油!
參考: Me
2007-02-01 2:43 am
我不會help你的,因為我help 你只是害你............
參考: 我

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