
2007-02-01 2:37 am

回答 (1)

2007-02-03 8:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Luis Alvarez, atomic physicist and dinosaur extinction theorist

Frederick Banting, developer of insulin

Christiaan Barnard, pioneering heart-transplant surgeon

Jocelyn Bell, discoverer of pulsars

Charles Best, co-developer of insulin

Niels Bohr, atomic physicist

Wallace Carothers, inventor of nylon

Rachel Carson, environmentalist

Ernst Chain, developer of penicillin

Jean-Martin Charcot, pioneer in the study of mental illness

Francis Crick, solver of the puzzle of DNA

Charles Davenport, eugenecist

Lee de Forest, radio pioneer

Albert Einstein, theorist of physics

Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin

Henry Ford, first to use moving assembly line

Jay Forrester, computer pioneer

Rosalind Franklin, key in solving the puzzle of DNA

Sigmund Freud, theorist of human psychology

Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, pioneering psychological therapist

Jim Gates, sub-atomic theorist

Murray Gell-Mann, sub-atomic particle theorist

Joseph Goldberger, investigator of nutritional disease

Harry Harlow, psychological researcher and theorist

Stephen Hawking, physicist and cosmologist

Werner Heisenberg, sub-atomic theorist

Harry Hess, investigator of the deep ocean floor

Dorothy Hodgkin, researcher into the chemical structure of medicines

Arthur Holmes, investigator of the history of the earth

Donald Hopkins, world health promoter

Abraham Maslow, theorist of humanistic psychology

Grace Murray Hopper, developer of computer language

Edwin Hubble, astronomer who expanded the bounds of the Universe

Percy Julian, discoverer of key medicines

The Leakey family, investigators of our human ancestors

Henrietta Leavitt, key in measuring stellar distances

Guglielmo Marconi, radio transmission pioneer

J. Robert Oppenheimer, atomic physicist and theoritician of astonomical phenomena

Ivan Pavlov, investigator of animal behavior

Wilder Penfield, mapper of the human brain

Max Planck, physicist whose ideas led to quantum theory

Ernest Rutherford, pioneering atomic physicist

Jonas Salk, developer of the first polio vaccine

Erwin Schrodinger, subatomic theorist

William Shockley, developer of the transistor

B.F. Skinner, behavioral theorist

Roger Sperry, investigator of human brain function

John Watson, theorist of human behavior

Alfred Wegener, developer of the theory of continental drift

Steven Weinberg, unified field physicist

Stephen Wozniak, personal computer pioneer

Wilbur and Orville Wright, pioneering aviators

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 20:42:07
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