數據存貯 和 程序存貯 各舉三個例子

2007-02-01 2:37 am
如題 數據存貯 和 程序存貯 各舉三個例子!!!

回答 (1)

2007-02-01 4:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually a lot of data storage systems can store both data and programs.
Both Data and Programs can be stored in CD (CD-Rom, CD-R, CDRW.......), DVD (DVD-RAM....), Hard Disks, Flash Memory/Memory Cards, MMC;
When they are required by the executing computer applications, they are loaded into the computer's (Mainframe or PCs......) memory (RAM) from the aforesaid devices for execution or even can be activated in these devices direct.
For more information of storeage systems, please see:
I hope I can help.

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