英國轉機及英國入境問題 - 幫幫忙~

2007-02-01 2:28 am
小妹有意於今年5月份到英國旅行 - 首站目的地(MANCHESTER), 將會自己一個人由香港出發並選坐CX, 現有以下問題:-
1) 香港無機直到MANCHESTER, 須要於LONDON轉機, 我既寄倉行李會:-
A) 過海關, 行李會自行轉到下一班機
B) 過海關後自己拿回寄倉行李, "再"次登機

2) 過海關時關員大約會問什麼問題, 由其係一個單身女仔?會否诐看成有意轉換身份做黑市居留的旅客?

3)如海關不批准入境, 我什樣可以拿回我既寄倉行李?

4) 入境時是否須要打指紋?


回答 (4)

2007-02-01 3:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) As you check-in at Hong Kong, your luggages will be checked all the way to Manchester for you already... So as you arrive at Heathrow (Terminal 3 for CX), follow the 'Flight Connection' sign to catch a bus for 'Flight Connection to Terminal1/2'... The bus will then take you to the 'Flight Connection' area where you will require to pass through security check (shoes need to go through X-Ray as well)... After passing throug security check, then walk striaght pass through all the airlines counter and follow the sign 'Terminal 1 (Domestic Departure)' which will take you to the Terminal 1 (Domestic Area)...
Usually Cathay Pacific will be able to issue your ticket all the way to Manchester... However, sometimes due to technical problem, they may not be able to issue it at Hong Kong... In which case, you will need to go to those airlines counter at 'Flight Connction' area at Heathrow to get your boarding pass issued for the Heathrow-Manchester section... But even in this case, Cathay Pacific will be able to check your luggages through to Manchester without any problem...
2) If you hold a BNO or HKSAR Passport... I would suggest you to have your return flight ticket left inside your passport on the page of your information and visa for BNO holder as well... So that they will have less question and make the process quicker as well... It could be that they will ask your a few questions like 'why are you coming to UK?' etc... And as far as I can remember, you will need to ask for the immgration form on the Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong as they are not available on the domestic flights...
3) Usually they wouldn't deport you unless they have serious problem about your identity... As long as your have the necessary documents with you and handed to them with your passport like visa (if required) would help, return flight ticket and immgration form... But dont worry about your luggages, they will have people picking it up for you in case of they really deport you... And they will have somebody recheck-in with you for the earliest flight back to Heathrow then to Hong Kong... But as far as I am aware, this rarely happens... Just relax and dont looks too worry while you are at immgration would help...
4) No... Currently you are not required to have your finger printed while coming into UK...
ps. Just to advice you to limit your hand carry to 1 piece as transiting at UK also require to follow UK security measures... Which include 1 piece of hand carry (include laptop case)... Limited liquid to 100gms per bottle of up to 7 bottles... And finally, you will require to take your shoes off while passing through security check (and your shoes will be X-Rayed)...
ps2. For immgration... It is OK... As I have said, just have your boarding pass, immgration form, return flight ticket, visa (if necessary) all on your hand and hand to them with your passport... That would help to narrow down the amount of questions they ask you... And even better if you would looks as relax and chill as possible and polite... As usually they will let you through if you looks normal... As if you show that you looks worriedand not showing respect, they could take you into rooms for further questioning which could be a night-mare...
Feel free to ask if you have any more questions if necessary... I will try my best to answer you in detail...
參考: Studying in UK for 8yrs...
2007-02-07 7:27 am
not "copy and paste"..
2007-02-01 3:46 am
我以前喺英國讀書. 其實你去到海關時,記得準備定你嘅回程機票,訂B&B OR HOTEL 嘅証明 (最好有埋電話地址),護照, 同埋填定入境表.就OK LA!

入境時是無須要打指紋, 有可能會抽樣照肺,但放心因為唔係一定要的.到時可能會問你嚟UK做咩,逗留幾多日,會去那些地方,訂咗HOTEL未.布無回程機票,準備咗幾多錢. 放心啦,英國海關都唔會太為難你的.

海關不批准入境, 什樣可以拿回我既寄倉行李??? 我未過咁嘅經驗,不過我諗去同返CX啲地勤就可以.
CX會把你的行李轉到下一班機,但你最好CHECK IN時再同地勤CONFIRM!
2007-02-01 3:10 am

我上次都係一個人(女仔)去英國,0係heathrow land。入境時佢問我去英國做乜,大概會去邊,帶左幾多$$(唔記得佢有冇要我show比佢睇),工作(當時我係學生,考完al),show回程既機票。



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