請問 caterpillar plant 點解?

2007-01-31 9:08 pm
有日我睇電視(英文台),見到這兩字,查過字典都係唔知點解?請問 caterpillar plant 點解?

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Caterpillar Plant :
This essence helps those who are learning something new to begin at the beginning and to simply flow from one stage of learning to the next without trying to skip steps or rush the process so that one may truly come to excell at what one is learning. It is also very helpful for those who feel very frustrated with the learning process, who believe that they are not as intelligent or as gifted as others because they have not yet found the right teachers or methods that will work best for them. It helps the person to be persistent and patient with themselves, trusting that when they are ready the right teachers shall indeed appear.
毛蟲廠:這精華幫助學會新的事開始在開始和從一個階段學會簡單地流動到下,无需設法跳步或衝過程的那些人,以便你能真實地來擅長在什麼你學會。 它為感到非常沮喪以學習進程,相信的那些人也是非常有用的他們不是一樣聰明或一樣有天賦的像其他,因為他們未發現為他們最將好工作的正確的老師或方法。 它幫助人是堅持的和患者與他們自己,相信,當他們準備好時正確的老師的確將出現。

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