
2007-01-31 8:24 pm
平時係英文郵寄書信內, 開頭都要寫雙方地址, 咁電郵求職信內又要唔要打埋出黎呢?
另外, 最後簽名係咪直接打名, 唔使本人簽名ga?

回答 (2)

2007-01-31 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
寫e-mail 要跟 e-mail 方法,一開始就可以稱對方名,或寫 Dear Sir,地址、日期等系統會自動包括在Mail -header 內,內文無需重覆。

簽名可以打上去。Attach 簽名對方不一定看到,因為不同系統會有不同。用最簡單、最多人用的方法就可以。
2007-01-31 9:21 pm
From my opinion, u can only type the company address, cos they will have ur address once u have attached ur CV.

For the signature, u can either type it out, or u can actually sign it by using the sign function under ur email system.

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