It depends on the nature of the company business.
At least you have to deal with
1. Taxation documents filing with Inland Revenue Department.
2. Annual return to Company Registry (CR) and other documents filing with CR.
The best way is to consult your Company Secretary for limited company status.
Some business nature even require you to file with Police Department (such as Finance & Banking), Immigration Department (Foreign-workers) and other various departmetns.
簡單D,搵CPA or Company Secretarial Service or Lawyer (最貴) 代勞。價錢差距很大。其中資本額是要Stamp Duty. 0.3% of Authorized capital. Filing Fees 等一大堆代支。再加上他們的專業服務費。由HK$1800到HK$10,000或更多都有。