
2007-01-31 6:32 pm
係間唔中就會咁,但係我用norton 同avg 掃過又話冇事,
thx all !!

回答 (3)

2007-02-01 12:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
又於你上過有些網站,它們是有病毒,它便對你電腦作出鎖定網頁,並設定自動勁彈home page ,So. 佢實際上唔係一種病毒,佢是對你電腦上網裹的program 作出修改,跟本很有防毒軟件及廣告軟件也是癈,見意最好back up data 之後format重裝,之後小心d上網唔好入 D 唔知咩的網址,大多的大陸網,!小心
2007-01-31 6:43 pm
Maybe its not because the virus problem...it may depends on the Spy problem....so you can try this two link below...one is for you scan your PC again, it will detect is that any spy in your PC...the other one you can download software to clear the spy or protect your PC in future...



Hope it can help you !!
2007-01-31 6:42 pm
你電腦無中毒, 係網絡問題,你不必担心

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