WE10 (歐版) 即pes6 點買經典球員?

2007-01-31 5:49 pm
而家係pes6用曼聯打緊div 3
留言版有朋友話,要等negotiation week先可以買人,買經典球員係咪都係要咁?
另留言版有朋友話,買經典球員要出返第一板,揀option --> shop ---->最揀classic國家隊成隊買,但試過唔後,禁極都無反應,點解?

同埋想問,若果開始左ml之後要轉難度要幾時先轉得? 步驟如何? 

回答 (2)

2007-02-01 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
first you go to option to buy the 經典球員.. after that you wait i until negotation week in Master leuge... then you will see the player you bought in option... then you can but it...
some of player you need to play more than 2 year.. after that you can buy that
2007-02-02 11:53 pm

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