
2007-01-31 4:56 am


回答 (3)

2007-01-31 5:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
在共產主義下, 所有野都由政府控制(好似中國咁)
-自己工作賺到既要比番d政府, 所以人民會冇咁努力工作
-冇投票權, 因為咩都係政府決定哂, 唔會問人民既意見
大約就係le d唔同啦
le d都係我讀econ讀番黎既- 3-
參考: 自己
2007-01-31 9:35 pm
공산주의와 사회주의는 있는 두가지의 물건이 오는 것 사회주의하에, 인민은 자신을 획득한다
- 스스로 일해 벌써 자신에게 모두 전부속 가능한 일을 돈을 벌 수 있었다
- 투표권이 있다
공산주의하에, 모든 볼품없는 도는 정부로부터 제어한다(중국의 것한 같습니다)
- 스스로 일해 벌써 차례 d정부와 비교하지 않으면 연못인을 돈을 벌 수 있고, 이유 인민의 회의 것한은 열심히 일한다
- 冇의 투표권은, 시트지의 울음 소리이기 때문에 전부 정부가 미소지으려고 결정하는 것을 묶고, 벌써 오는 인민에게 질문 가능하다 의견

As for the communism and the socialism, the people gets oneself in the thing socialism bottom where an article of a certain both styles comes to
- I worked by oneself and already was able to all get that the genus was possible to oneself entirely
- There is a right to vote
In a communism bottom, all coarse capitals control it from the government(It is Chinese の)
- I work by oneself and I can already gain turn d government and ratio べなければいけなを and の は of a meeting of the reason people is strenuous and works
- 冇A の right to vote binds that the government all decides for a cry of ti Tsuji to smile together, and 唔 can already ask the people, and だ gives advice
2007-01-31 5:01 am
"What is the difference between communism and socialism?"

According to Marx, socialism is a stage on the way to communism, which is the more advanced stage of humyn organization not yet achieved in China or the Soviet Union, even according to Lenin, Stalin and Mao.

According to Marx, under socialism we have a dictatorship of the proletariat which is a government organized for the defense of survival "rights." Also, distribution goes by the principle "from each according to his/her ability, to each according to his/her work."

Under communism, according to Marx, the government disappears and there is economic cooperation as well. The principle of distribution becomes "from each according to his/her ability, to each according to his/her need."

Socialists and communists existed before Marx. Marx is the single most-respected authority and reference point, but the words "socialism" and "communism" still have various shades and applications, because of the diversity amongst those calling themselves "communist" and "socialist."

Many calling themselves socialist would like to stop with the nationalization of the means of production and not move on to communism. They also often oppose the "dictatorship of the proletariat" in the name of democracy. For example, they supported the imperialist World War I, because the majorities of their countries supported it, while we Marxist-Leninists found World War I anathema to the proletariat, against survival "rights."

Since World War I, there has been a very large split between many calling themselves "socialist" and those calling themselves "communist;" however, to make matters more complicated there are socialists found who would not support World War I today and there are "communists" who would favor doing whatever the majority wants. There are also "social-democrats" who want reforms to imitate the results of socialism while keeping capitalism.

When MIM uses the terms, we use them this way: 1) "Communism"--the classless society with no state of the distant future. "Communist"--someone who wants to get to communism or the adjective for "communism." Examples include many tribal societies of the past and in remote areas still living today.
2) "Socialism" refers to that period/stage between capitalism of today and the communist goal. During that stage there is "dictatorship of the proletariat." Examples are the USSR under Lenin and Stalin or China under Mao.
3) "Social-democrats"--whether they call themselves "socialist" or not, people opposing the "dictatorship of the proletariat" in practice and hence socialism itself. Examples would be Sweden today.

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