BAND sound 當中有咩類型??

2007-01-31 4:17 am
Rock, Heavy Metal 這些類型等等
還有甚麼??好像是 DT 又是甚麼??

回答 (2)

2007-02-02 5:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
前衛金屬Progressive Metal
前衛搖滾Progressive Rock
新古典/交響/速彈金屬Neo-classical/Symphonic/Epic/Speed Metal
力量/旋律金屬Power/Melodic Metal
氣氛/歌德/毀滅金屬Atmosphere/Gothic/Doom Metal
旋律死亡金屬Melodic Death Metal

Dream Theater除了確立了前衛金屬樂風外,其對於90年代後歐洲重金屬樂的發展亦有極大的影響力,前衛金屬在歐洲獲到廣大的支持及發展,其中又以義大利及德國為最,這兩個國家可說是歐洲出產前衛金屬樂團最主要的國度。至於歐洲的其他國家,包括瑞典、挪威、英國等也都有少量的前衛金屬樂團。
而事實上,美系與歐系的前衛金屬風格已呈現不同的味道,大體來說,美系樂團偏重樂器技巧和複雜編曲,歐系樂團則能兼具技巧和旋律的流暢性。前衛金屬除了典型的Dream Theater樣式外,當然也有不同型式的衍生或與其他樂風融合,如極端展現器樂高度技巧性的前衛金屬也被稱為Technical Metal(技術金屬);另外,在Power/Speed Metal中融入前衛金屬變拍特色亦是普遍的手法,甚至也有將前衛元素結合Gothic/Doom Metal的樂團。
2007-02-01 1:28 am
Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal, or Metal, is loud and fast Blues/Acid Rock without the Blues. It is aggressive, menacing Hard Rock. Though Metal is often crass and juvenile, its high speed riffage and soloing is often technically demanding on its musicians. Metal has subdivided and mutated so often during its almost 30 years of existence that it is largely an umbrella term now. Bands whose sounds were influential, (or derivative,) and big enough to typify the entire genre are AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, and Metallica.

Similar Styles: Funk Metal, Death Metal, Industrial Metal, Grindcore, Hair Metal, Doom Metal, Nu Metal, Hard Rock, Black Metal, Rap Core, Thrash, Guitar Rock

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