
2007-01-31 3:39 am

回答 (2)

2007-02-03 12:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Control the tempo. 控制進攻快慢。
快既例如 Steve Nash. 佢可以每次 initials fast break.
慢既就例如 Heats 的 PG 甘,唔好甘快堆個波上去,等埋你隊入面既 Center & Forward 先。
Court awareness
要可以隨時都搵到你 open 既隊友
Long Shooting Range
一定要有中及長矩離射程,最好就係你係一個三分射手,可以接返 Center kick out 出黎既波,射三分。

Defense 方面
一定要可以 defend 三分射手
一定要可以黐住你要 guard 既對手。 特別係 Pick n Roll 既時候唔好俾的 big man block 到你。
block out small guards after miss, 唔好俾佢地衝入去 paint 到搶 Rebound

呢度只係俾少少 idea 你, 三言兩語又點可能講晒所有既 game 。。。
2007-02-01 4:11 am
Di the dribling
Good at dribling
Asist to point guard, front, or other players who in your team

Need to good at drible
Can be away from the enemy
The ball is on your hands
And it is a very important job

I am a school player
I hope these opinions will help you
參考: Me

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