
2007-01-31 12:49 am
英文老師叫我哋作一篇反吸煙英文作文,仲要250個字!!! Y-Y


回答 (1)

2007-01-31 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Committee on Youth Smoking Prevention works for the teenagers, aiming to promote the message of youth smoking prevention through different channels. We are now working on the following tasks:

Smoke Free Pledge
To promote the idea of "No smoking. Let's start from you!", the committee initiates the Smoke Free Pledge campaign by inviting teenagers to sign the anti-smoking pledge. We encourage and publicize no smoking habits and there are more than thirty thousand teenagers signing the pledge.

Youth Smoking Prevention Sponsorship Scheme
The objective of the scheme is to encourage schools, regional groups and voluntary agencies to carry out activities targeting at teenagers and to raise the awareness of youth smoking prevention. The assessment criteria are based on the creativity and practices reflected in their content, scope of target group, number of beneficiaries and cost-effectiveness etc. The maximum sponsorship for each project is HK$50,000. However, exceptional consideration may be given to increase the amounts of sponsorship for projects that will convey the message of civic education effectively. We have sponsored some groups such as educational organizations, family services organizations, teenage services organizations, churchs, community organizations and sports organizations in this year for youth smoking prevention activities.

Research Projects
The committee is carrying out youth smoking prevention research to evaluate the effectiveness of youth smoking prevention. We will also carry out other research in relation to youth smoking prevention in the near future.

Resource Center
The committee sets up a resource center for the public to read and borrow related materials to promote smoking prevention and activities.

Community Education
The committee organizes a series of teenagers and parents educational tasks in schools and communities, such as school seminars, small groups activities, exhibitions and other activities to raise the awareness of no smoking life. Any parties who are interested in organizing the above seminars and activities, please feel free to contact us

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