The Shawshank Redemption 月黑高飛片尾....一問

2007-01-30 9:19 pm
戲做完之後,字幕第一句係"In memory of ALAN GREENE"
ALAN GREENE 又係咩人呢??@@

回答 (2)

2007-01-31 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
不是真人真事,是改編史提芬京Stephen King的小說, 收錄於小說集《不同的季節》(Different Seasons)的第一部:《春》(Hope Springs Eternal-Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption)。
Alan Greene was a close friend and literary agent to Frank
Darabont, who wrote and directed ``Shawshank Redemption.'' Greene was
able to secure the rights to the story, but died before the project
was completed.

2007-01-31 2:45 am

Brief plotline
The caring and smart banker Andy Dufresne is falsely accused and convicted of the murder of his wife. He is sent to Shawshank prison in the 1940’s, he meets many fellow prisoners, including Red, who becomes an important friend. During his time at Shawshank Andy’s way of life is changed, but he never looses his hope. Read the complete plotline!

The Shawshank Redemption is a moving story of hope, friendship and perseverance. Even though most of the characters are prison inmates, this engrossing story has incredibly warming characters. The film concentrates on the core characters of Andy Dufresne and Red, but the other characters such as the warden, Brooks and Hadley all play a very important part in setting the mood and moving the story forward. Read about the characters

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 17:59:36
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