
2007-01-30 7:46 am
本人間歇性都有載 One Day Acuave 用完即棄隱形眼鏡, 因為太耐無買, 今日去眼鏡88買, 點知貴過一年前買, 現時 $185 for 30對!
請問邊處買可以平d, 家住沙田區!

回答 (3)

2007-01-30 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你經開黃大仙, 龍翔中心入面2/f 有間眼鏡店都okay 平, $ 150 / 一盒 one day acuave, $ 280 / 2 盒~
有得試, 有得查詢~~
我都有買過, 買左2盒~~
2007-01-30 8:14 am
I ususally buy contact lens in MK PCCW building. There's a store named 目之舍 at 20/F they sell 2 weeks contact lens only $110 for 1 pack. I don't know the price for 1 day. You may call and ask. If you need the phone number, e-mail me la.
參考: self
2007-01-30 7:56 am
其實除左88果d大店之外, 大部份細店都平d. 唔知上水對你來講萛唔萛遠(25min火車), 但可能你唔去買都可以打去買下價:


PS. 我因為做左LAZIK, 冇左近視, 我太sure個價lu

2007-01-29 23:58:04 補充:
PS. 我因為做左LAZIK, 冇左近視, 唔太sure個價lu

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