how many engine in one normal airplane ?

2007-01-30 6:35 am
Does the plane have one engine at left / right side ?

Does the plance can have 3 engine which 2 of those
is leff and one is right ?

回答 (2)

2007-01-30 3:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This really depends on model number of plane.

For trijet version, 3 engine (one left, one right and one central). However, this type is not the common one.

The most popular one is Boeing 747 which is a four engine jet with two on each side.

Number of engine of both wings must be identical for balancing reason.
參考: engineering school info
2007-01-30 7:55 am
3 engine
one on left wang
one on right wang
one on the tail

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