急急急!help!english 文 !(100字)10point (english)

2007-01-30 6:32 am
題目是 use a "文具" 形容 自己

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2007-01-30 8:06 am
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I like collecting books, but not reading, which is like the schoolbag.
Even it’s nearly full of books in the schoolbag, I also want to put one more books sometimes after school when I is about to go and there are still have book left, which is just like what the character I am. I have many books of all kinds on the book shelves at home, although I has not enough space for collecting, I also try to make room for them because I sometimes make reference to them for some projects, but just having a look only, I don’t like read it. Sometimes, my family members called me schoolbag, in which they think I only collect the books but not read.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 20:11:49
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