"貧者愈貧,富者愈富" 的 英文係咩呀?

2007-01-30 4:57 am

回答 (6)

2007-01-30 3:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It should be : The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.

It is the result of macroeconomic changes, eg. income inequality increases between the poor and rich.
2007-01-30 8:10 am
the poorer the poor, the richer the rich.

窮者愈窮, 富者愈富.

2007-01-30 00:18:31 補充:
the poorer the poor is, the richer the rich is.我打漏了. sorry. just likethe more you like her, the better your love is.the 比較詞 人 動詞, the 比較詞 人 動詞,
2007-01-30 5:19 am
The poorer the poor is, the richer the rich is.
the poor = 貧窮的人
the rich = 有錢的人
參考: 自己
2007-01-30 5:08 am
"貧者愈貧,富者愈富"的英文係Poverty more poor, rich more rich
參考: ME
2007-01-30 5:05 am
Poverty more poor, rich more rich
2007-01-30 5:03 am
呵呵!可能會好怪!但係應該係pool people still pooh,rich more rich....

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