
2007-01-30 3:11 am

a. NaCl , NaOCl
b.NH4Br , NH4I
c.K2CO3 , KHCO3
d.Cao , Ca(OH)2

回答 (2)

2007-01-30 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
A only.
it is because when NaOCl react with HCl, there are gas formed( Cl2) while for the NaCl react with HCl, there is no obsrevable change.
For the other choice, both give the same result
NH4Br & NH4I react with HCl to form colourless solution
K2CO3 & KHCO3 react with HCl to give colourless gas
Cao & Ca(OH)2 react with HCl to give colourless solution
therefore A is the only ans
2007-01-30 3:20 am
a, b, d
參考: 自己

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