Who is the president of United States now? and who is..quick

2007-01-30 3:11 am
1.Who is the president of United States now?
2.who is the Chief Executive of Macau?
3.who is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
4.who is the President of China?

* Please answer me in english~

回答 (4)

2007-01-30 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. George W. Bush (喬治布殊)
2. Edmund Ho Hau-wah (何厚鏵)
3. John Major (馬卓安)
4. Hu Jintao (胡錦濤)

2007-01-30 12:20:13 補充:
Sorry, some correction on item 3. The current prime minister of England is Tony Blair (貝理雅), not John Major (馬卓安).All the other items are correct.
參考: knowledge
2007-01-30 3:28 am
1):係三K 黨現任地下分舵舵主:佐治布殊先生。
SORRY, ME CHAINA MAN ,no know ying man!
2007-01-30 3:22 am
1. George Bush
2.Edmond Ho
3.Tony Blair
4.Wan Ka Po? (I don't think he has a english name)
2007-01-30 3:22 am
1. The president of the United States is George Walker Bush.

2. The Chief Executive of Macau is Edmund Ho Hau Wah.

3. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is Anthony Charles Lynton Blair.

4. The Paramount Leader of the People's Republic of China is Hu Jintao.

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