English Grammar~

2007-01-30 3:00 am
1.點解I am a sixteen year old boy. sixteen years old 個year 冇去s 就可以變adjestive?

2.Verb phrase 是否不受tense 影響??即relate to, 如果在past tense, 會唔會變related to??

3. I saw the boy dancing. Dancing 點解是Gerund?
Gerund 的話即係話dancing 係noun, 但follow the boy, noun可以follow noun ga 咩??
好冇唔係gerund 而noun follow noun 的 example?

回答 (4)

2007-01-30 10:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
我英語唔叻 , 不過試下回應 :

1 )
I am a sixteen-year-old boy .
year 後面冇 s , 不過要在 sixteen , year , old 之間加上 " - " 來連貫 ,
原因 :
sixteen-year-old 係作為形容詞用 , 即 " 十六歲的 " , 修飾後面名詞 " boy "
因此 , 凡用作形容詞 , 就不用複數 .
比較 :
I am sixteen years old , ( 著重於數量 , 十六個年 , 故複數 )
I am a sixteen-year-old boy , ( 著重於描述 , 並視為一個整體 , 故單數 )
其他例子 :
a three-year program , ( 一個 ) 三年的計畫 ,
a two-week trip , ( 一個 ) 兩星期的旅行 ,
a three-mile race , ( 一個 ) 三英里的比賽 ,
a five-dollar bill , ( 一張 ) 五元紙幣 ,

2 )
Verb phrase 應該要受 tense 影響 ,
即 relate to , 過去式寫作 " related to "

3 )
I saw the boy dancing ,
其中 " dancing " 不作名詞用 , 故不是 gerund ( 動名詞 ) ,
它是 participle ( 分詞 ) , 作形容詞用 , 修飾名詞 boy ,
I saw the boy dancing , 我看到了( 跳舞的 ) 那個男孩 ,
又如 :
I heard her singing , 我聽到她唱歌 , ( 唱歌的她 )
singing 為現在分詞作形容詞 , 修飾 her ,
I like my eggs half boiled , 我喜歡 ( 半熟的 ) 蛋 ,
boiled 為過去分詞作形容詞 , 修飾 eggs ,

其他例子 :
I see him passing my house every day , 我每天看見他在我屋前走過 ,
其中, passing my house 作形容詞 , 修飾受詞 him ,
即 ( 走過我屋前的 ) 他 ,
A girl sitting on the bench , ( 坐在長椅上的 ) 女孩 ,
A man eating an apple , ( 吃蘋果的 ) 男子 ,
其中 , passing , sitting , eating 都作形容詞用 ,

A dog came running , 一條狗跑著來 ,
其中 , came 是不及物動詞 , 後不能接受詞 ( 名詞 )
故 running 不是 gerund , 而是 participle ( 分詞 ) , 作形容詞用 ,
A dog came , 狗來
A dog was running , 狗是 ( 走著的 )
A dog came running , 狗 ( 走著的 ) 來 ,

He went out fishing , 他出去釣魚 ,
went 是不及物動詞 , 故 fishing 不能作受詞 ,
He went out , 他出去 ,
He was fishing , 他是釣魚的 ,
He went out fishing , 他出去 ( 釣魚的 )

gerund ( 動名詞 ) 的例子 :
I like playing baseball , 我喜歡打棒球 ,
其中 , like 是及物動詞 , 故 playing baseball 作為受詞 ( 名詞 ) ,
The boy began crying , 男孩哭了起來 ,
其中 , began 是及物動詞 , 故 crying 作為受詞 ,
He is very fond of swimming , 他很喜歡游泳 ,
其中 , of 是介詞 , 介詞後的 -ing , 必須是 gerund ,
故 swimming 是作 of 的受詞 ,
2007-01-30 5:03 am
1. A sixteen-year-old boy E.g. a one- year-old-puppy
2.No.It is ''related to''because it is passive voice.
3.The verb after ''saw'' can be bare infinitive but also gerund.
E.g. hear, watch, notice,feel.....
(''Let'' can only be a bare ifinitive.
''Help'' can be bare infinfitive orto-infinitive
''make'' can only be bare infinitive
2007-01-30 3:12 am
1.) 即係 a sixteen-year-old boy
其他例子:five-bottle water

2.) Verb phrase 不受tense 影響
會變related to

3.) 係因為 dancing 係 saw 之後...所以係gerund
唔關the boy事

2007-01-29 19:20:06 補充:
1) Gerunds : verb ingi. A gerund is a verbal noun. (即如果一個動詞在句子中作名詞使用,便要轉作Gerund。較常見的例子,是在句子開端部分的動詞,一定是一個Gerund,因為它擔當了句子中Subject的位置。)e.g. Eating is my favourite hobby. (句子中eating佔了subject的位置)My favourite hobby is eating. (句子中eating佔了object的位置)

2007-01-29 19:20:28 補充:
ii. When a verb comes after a preposition, its gerund is used. (緊記!除to以外,所有在preposition之後的動詞,一律作Gerund使用!)e.g. Mr. Mo is good at eating.Mr. Mo always sleeps after eating.

2007-01-29 19:20:53 補充:
iii. When 'to' is used as a preposition, the verb after it should be changed into a gerund. (以下四種to的用法,之後的動詞需轉用Gerund!)e.g I look forward to hearing from you.I object to writing journals.I used to helping the others.I prefer writing journals to doing SAL handbook.

2007-01-29 19:21:20 補充:
* (I prefer writing / to write journals.)iv. The gerund must be used after certain verbs and expressions.admitavoidconsiderdelaydenydislikeenjoyfinishforgiveimagineincludekeeplikemindmisspostponepractisepreventstopsuggest

2007-01-29 19:21:55 補充:
It's no goodIt's no usefeel likespend timebe worthbe busycan't standcan't help
參考: ME
2007-01-30 3:05 am
1.) 應該有 - ...即係...a sixteen-year-old boy....
其他例子...five-bottle water

2.) 係

3.) 係因為 dancing 係 saw 之後...所以係gerund
example...I hear the girl singing

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