唔識解成句...help (中轉英)

2007-01-30 12:47 am
behind the facade of their vivid performances (behind the facade 唔明..)
The audio and visual effects of the film trigger the teenagers to imitate actors.(trigger)??
Popular stars are idols among the fans but what they appear to be is just a facade
The viewpoints of the idols cannot stand before the truth. (stand before the truth)?唔明
唔該..幫我成句句子 解做中文
and 我( ) 左果d 係點解??查左字都唔明-.-

回答 (2)

2007-01-30 6:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
facade = 大厦的外牆,在這裹籲作外表/外觀

behind the facade of their vivid performances ->在璀璨表演背後

The audio and visual effects of the film trigger the teenagers to imitate actors. ->電影中的音效及視效(引發trigger)年青人模防戲中的演員

Popular stars are idols among the fans but what they appear to be is just a facade->明星被影迷示為偶像但他們所展示的其實只是外表

The viewpoints of the idols cannot stand before the truth. ->偶像的觀點不能與真理相提並論 (stand before the truth is similar to compare with the truth)
2007-01-30 12:53 am
參考: me

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