飛 機 餐

2007-01-29 11:28 pm
点解飛機上提供的飲品吾可以多元化D? eg. Cream Soda, 蔘蜜露, 益力多等等。 飛機餐常常離不開雞、牛、豬、意粉、芝士cake、杰撻撻的粥。

回答 (4)

2007-01-30 2:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
I will break your question down into 2 section to answer...
Regarding to drinks, this is related to the amount of storage and the taste of passenger... As things like Diet Coke, Coke, 7-Up/Sprite are the kind of soft-drinks which everybody will not dislike... Cream Soda surely is nice as I like them as well, but the proportion of passenger like Cream Soda is far less than Diet Coke... And same reason apply 蔘蜜露...
For 益力多, surely it would be even more liked by passenger compare to soft-drinks like Coke, Diet Coke if the option is there... But 益力多 are usually sold in small container, which means that to cope with 1 passenger need, they may have to give them a whole pack (5 or 6 益力多) to actually make the size of the drink similar to Coke when the crew pull out the drink for you...

Because of that, to reduce confusion, airlines would limit the option of drinks for passenger... As if they provide more options, it would means that the airlines will have to load more drinks onboard... But the storage onboard is limited and also with more drinks, that would means heavy aircraft as well... Another option would be the reduce the amount of other drinks loaded to get some other type onboard, but that would means the chance of 1 specific drinks running out is higher...
So although airlines cannot provide every single type of drinks for you because of the limitation that they have in storage on each jet... They would tend to give you a varity of different drinks to choose from... And another problem is, if airlines provide Cream Sode as well alongside the other drinks, some people would then ask why not that and why not those... Then the drink list will just get longer and longer... And airlines just cannot cope...
For the meal issue... As airlines meals are made to cope with the horrible condition... They are required to be cooked at a normal cooking procedure... But after being cooked, they will then get the food located into cart after which the whole cart will go into freezer and to be stored... During the process, the temperature will drop rapidly... So at least, food are require to be able to cope with these issue to be cooled down rapidly then reheat rapidly as they get airbourn... At the same time, those food will also require to be able to stand the dry presurised cabin... So to cope with those issue above, airlines will also need to look carefully when they need to make a new meun... Also, as passenger taste will get weaker in the cabin condition, so airlines would tend to put as much favour on meals to make it taste the same or similar while the meal are served...
Because of the above issue... Airlines will need to look at each food carefully and the reason why chicken and beef are less used are because of that it get dry very quickly and go hard as well... And to cope with the dry condition, meals are usually made with huge amount of liquid of source so food will not get too dry as they reheat them and also good for the dry condition in the cabin... Also, when there are more liquid inside meal, it would also reduce the chance of meal being overheated... So for porridge, if they are made with more liquid and most meals would be made with more liquid or oily to prevent it from getting too dry when they are overheated...
However, it is not hard to find chicken/beef/pork like food onboard... But mainly on flights from US/Europe as catering compary take less care on the taste of food... But in Asia, airlines concentrate more on these, so you will see less chicken/beef/pork onboard but you may still seem them from time to time...
Hopefully these explaination will help you to understand more about the problem that airlines may have and why some of the point you raised are simply not possible to be improved...

2007-01-30 5:57 pm
其實香港Base 航空公司飛機餐已經好好。國泰Economy class 都有Movenprick 雪糕食,仲想點呀?試下美國...以前都係得一個Muffin 加兩塊水果。近年慳埋,什麼都沒有,要你自己係機場買上機;有個份就係賣個盒比你,入面兩塊餅乾一包提子一塊芝士,都要收五蚊。

飛機上飲食首要係安全,任何食物可能會令人嘔吐或增加食物中毒都不可以;可以想象飛機上幾十人一齊去厠所,真係要Declare emergency 緊急降落。(例如益力多,有機會令人嘔,一定唔可以)。機上食物一係可以冷藏凍食,一係煮到全熟。

同埋都唔係剩係得雞、牛、豬、意粉、芝士cake、杰撻撻的粥,記得Cathay 曾經仲有食過龍蝦、煙三文魚同埋羊排,不過係Business class 。如果First class ,可能仲有庸記燒鵝...
2007-01-30 12:48 am
2007-01-29 11:34 pm

















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