
2007-01-29 9:57 pm
早排買左部lcd tv,今日送0黎,個紙皮盒開過,就咁用闊透明膠紙貼番,之前買電器話要留意原裝封條以確定係新貨,開過就要小心,依家好多時買都係開過的,係咪冇晒所謂原裝包裝?定係正常電器舖都會開左check貨先?點先可以避免開到陳列品?(我問過電器舖,佢0地話係要打開check過機先,但唔知信唔信好?)

回答 (1)

2007-01-30 9:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think they have cheated you. Be careful for those small shops selling you electrical appliances. They always deliver display products but say that they are new.

2007-01-30 13:15:56 補充:
Next time, you should ask them that you don't want it and must deliver a brand new one to you without box opened. Or else, they have to return the money back to you.

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