Here is a list of bond disclose by CMU of HK for your reference. You could check it out and see which currency of Bond that you prefer and of couse how long and how much you plan to hold to these bond. . *the actual yeild display here is only for your reference, so better to a bit of calculation before purchasing.
Each Bank have each own Bank Buy and Bank Sell price, so better for you to check it out if different bank selling the same bond due to that you might be a very different bank buy and bank sell price. The Bank which I am purchasing from is Win Long Bank due to that they have the best offer of the quality of bond I am looking for and shift to other bank later of course require handling charge which you need to confirm due to that different bank have different charge for shift in/out. For Security Company they also got very good Buy and Sell price.
Just a reminder for just starting to invest in bond, interest rate of different country currency will have direct impact on the yeild of your Bond. For USD bases bond you could check 10 Year Treasury Note which move daily for setting your strategy for investment in Bond at .
Hope you good luck.