
2007-01-29 7:47 pm

回答 (7)

2007-02-01 9:50 pm
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可e-mail給我,[email protected]取多點實際資枓參考。

2007-03-02 6:52 pm
2007-02-19 6:09 pm
good ans.
2007-02-09 2:05 am
Here is a list of bond disclose by CMU of HK for your reference. You could check it out and see which currency of Bond that you prefer and of couse how long and how much you plan to hold to these bond.

https://www.cmu.org.hk/cmupbb_ws/chi/page/wmp0100/wmp010001.aspx . *the actual yeild display here is only for your reference, so better to a bit of calculation before purchasing.

Each Bank have each own Bank Buy and Bank Sell price, so better for you to check it out if different bank selling the same bond due to that you might be a very different bank buy and bank sell price. The Bank which I am purchasing from is Win Long Bank due to that they have the best offer of the quality of bond I am looking for and shift to other bank later of course require handling charge which you need to confirm due to that different bank have different charge for shift in/out. For Security Company they also got very good Buy and Sell price.

Just a reminder for just starting to invest in bond, interest rate of different country currency will have direct impact on the yeild of your Bond. For USD bases bond you could check 10 Year Treasury Note which move daily for setting your strategy for investment in Bond at http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%5ETNX .

Hope you good luck.
2007-02-05 4:47 am
18歲就有10萬來作投資, 真是年青有為另人羡慕. 但很奇怪為什麼你想買入債券, 首先債券(不)是世界上極高風險的投資產品, 相反一般都比例低風險, 當然主要根據什麼發行地區, 機構或公司的評級而定, 就所謂垃圾債券, 不但票面息率高,在購入時還有折讓價, 即以低於票面值可買入. 但亦代表發行單位很有機會無力支付利息或到期沒法贖回.

一般債券都是發售給機構投資者或專業投資者(最少特有大額資金100萬美元或以上), 如你要買就要經基金或其你投資機構經分拆才可買得到. 當然中間會有些行政管理等費用.

你倒不如買隻恆指成分股, 收吓息或等股票升值時出售. 當然市面上有很多不同的投資工具, 我作為一個財務顧問, 建議你最好詳細了解自己的需要後再決定. 10萬在現可能不是太多, 但善加利用及處理還是很重要的. 未有好既choice之前就先放入定期或買手藍籌股啦!

4-5%息加升級能力既還是有的. 祝好運!
2007-01-31 12:03 am
Bond is relatively lower risk than stocks. But there is very very few bonds in HK over 10/20 years. You may buy US Government bond (10/30 years) through the banks. but the charge is relatively high.

My suggestion:
given you are only 18, in general you shall be able to accept more risk. For 10/20 investment timeframe, you should consider buying stocks rather than bond. Over long-term, stock shall get better return.
2007-01-30 1:05 am
Bond is not the highest risk of investment product, whereas the highest should be hedge or option.

As for banks, it depends what kind bond they offer, usually banks offer a very few fund.
you can look for ABN emerging market bond fund. The performance is quite good, however, the risk compare to other fund is higher, because the stategy of that fund is short term convertible fund.

If you want to know more fund, my company has some lower risk fund and have a steady return, if you want to know more, feel free to email me

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