
2007-01-29 10:25 am
我想問下, 美國大學用緊o既GPA system同香港咁唔同, 佢地收外國學生戈陣會唔會調整?
姐係好似香港全班第一可能都係7,80分, 咁咪第一都無A Grade?

如果照戈種計法, 我可能得1.5-2.0度...係咪無可能入大學, 一定要讀Community College用Assoc. d GPA黎考大學?

回答 (4)

2007-01-30 7:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
GPA is only part of their consideration. They will look at other things like teacher's recommendation, your offical school report card, your essays in the application, extra cirricular activities, or a portfolio (if you are applying to arts or architecture), standard exams like SAT TOEFL or GRE, or GMAT

Different schools will weigh differently on the materials they receive from you. Like for design schools, portfolio is the most important.

While a lot of american focuses on having good scores on SAT, sometimes a school will reconsider the SAT results of a non-native English speaker.

However, do your best and try it!

Good luck!
參考: my experience
2007-01-29 11:34 am
如果唔想入community college,試下考Toefl ,考得好應該無問題...

2007-01-29 11:40:37 補充:
以 Boston 為例,community college 同好多四年制大學都有聯系,在college 讀了兩年就可以直接轉去四年大學,等於3rd years,save 好多好多錢兼好多時間.....所以community college 不是一個差的選擇‧
參考: 自已
2007-01-29 10:44 am
美國大學收生,除左會睇你既gpa仲會考慮你既toefl, sat...等standardized tests 既成績,仲有既就係你既essay/personal statement等等…
gpa is not everything.
2007-01-29 10:31 am
入到佢 佢重新計...唔會入唔到 放心..

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