
2007-01-29 7:18 am
electrolysis,成日話咩ion discharge,其實discharge即係點?

回答 (2)

2007-01-29 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
即係 釋放 ..
negative ions move to the positive electrode and lose e- while
positive ions move to the negative electrode and gain e-

**losing/gaining of electrons by anions/cations is called DISCHARGE of ions.
參考: ME
2007-01-29 7:23 am
electrolysis係chemical reaction ge一種...
electrolysis進行ge時候, d chemical ge electrons 會有變法...
discharge應該係指俾左electrons俾另一個atom or molecule...

2007-01-28 23:24:26 補充:
參考: myself

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