我想問問英文depressing depressed 和frustrated frustrating的分別

2007-01-29 6:23 am
我想問問英文depressing depressed 和frustrated frustrating的分別

回答 (1)

2007-01-29 6:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Depressing (adj.) 是用在事情上.
e.g. The accident is depressing.

Depressed (adj.) 是用在人的感覺上.
e.g. I was depressed as my mum injured in the accident

Similarly, frustrating (adj.) 是用在事情上.
e.g. The result was frustrating.

Frustrated (adj.) 是用在人的感覺上.
e.g. I was frustrated because I got a low mark even I tried so hard.

Interested/ Interesting, Bored/ Boring .... 都是這樣用的

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