How to keep fit / health

2007-01-29 5:00 am

唔一定要作出黎,最緊要係point ,愈多愈好,唔好作到咁難,我讀f.3,唔好寫d唔識讀既野出來

回答 (2)

2007-01-29 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To keep fit and healthy, you should:

1. have a balanced diet
2. exercise regularly
3. take enough rest
4. develop a positive life attitude; relax!
5. need a medical check regularly

Avoid the following:

1. junk food (e.g. deep-fried things like potato chips)
2. bad habits (e.g. smoking; play online games all day but never exercise)
3. staying up late, not enough sleep
4. worrying too much, living under pressure
5. ignore "minor" symptoms which might be serious health warnings
1. 均衡飲食
2. 定時適量運動
3. 足夠休息
4. 積極人生觀, 放鬆心情
5. 定時做健康檢查
1. 不健康的食物 (如油炸的薯條)
2. 壞習慣 (如吸煙,太長時間玩online games)
3. 睡眠不足
4. 太多憂慮,壓力
5. 忽略輕微病徵(可能是大病先兆)
2007-01-30 5:56 pm
do more exercise
sleep more
eat good food

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