2007-01-29 4:25 am
如題,what is power(功率),energy(能量) and force(力)?

回答 (2)

2007-01-30 4:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. In physics, power (symbol: P) is the rate at which work is performed or energy is transferred. In the SI system of measurement, power is measured in watts (symbol: W).

2. The word energy is widely used in various spheres of life, however, the meanings ascribed to the word are not always precisely identical [1] , perhaps because there is no universal definition of the word. Thus, although the word has its roots in the ancient science, today it is used widely. (see for examples, other usages). Perhaps, a really universal definition of the term energy could be: "a potential for causing a change". This definition encompasses nearly all the present usages of the term, because energy is most often viewed as the cause for changes that humanity observes. This article, is primarily focussed on the usage of the term energy in natural sciences only.

3. Force is a vector quantity defined as the rate of change of the momentum of the body that would be induced by that force acting alone. Since momentum is a vector, the force has a direction associated with it.

For more details, please refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force
2007-01-29 4:31 am
FORCE: F=ma see Newton's laws

ENERGY: The force that moves a distance e.g. potential enery = mgh =F.h

POWER: You have a time measure here: Energy/ time

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