
2007-01-29 4:14 am
X and Y are two kinds of solid: X is soluble in water but Y is not. Now the powders of X and Y are mixed together. How will you use the following two sets of apparatus to separate them?

圖a:有個clamp and stand 夾住 funnel. Funnel 下面有個beaker.
圖b:用Bunsen burner 燒嗰beaker. Beaker 裏面有水.

回答 (1)

2007-01-29 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
我吾係好明白你所指"the powders of X and Y are mixed together" 係吾係MIX係水入面, 但我假設吾係先啦!

To seperate solid Y:
1. Mix solid x and y in the funnel. Solid X is soluble so you will find it in the beaker
underneath with the water. Solid y is not soluble so you will find it in the funnel.
The solid y is seperated.

To seperate solid x:
1. Pour the remaining solution ( solid x and the filtered water) into the beaker filled
with water.
2. Turn on the Bunsen burner and boiled it .
3. Boiled it until there is not any water left in the beaker. Because it turns into water
vapour. Then only solid x remains in the beaker.

As a result, you can seperate solid x and solid y.
參考: 我都係靠我自己推斷,希望幫到你啦! 我有一個要求,就是如果有正確ANSWER,可否SEND給我? 我都好想知道答案。 THANKS!

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