
2007-01-29 1:30 am



回答 (4)

2007-01-29 1:35 am
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My ground should eat many the d has the nourishment ge food, for example egg, milk, Zhi private, vegetable etc., now is deliver a body period, I ground the Wu should diet, dieting very to the body Wu, may way go to the weight lead lightly, causing other disease etc. problem, so we absolute the Wu can diet. {My ground should eat many the d has the nourishment ge food, for example egg, milk, Zhi private, vegetable etc., now is to deliver a body period, I ground the Wu should diet, dieting very to the body Wu, may way go to weight lead light, cause other disease etc. problem, so we absolute the Wu can diet. / My ground should eat many the d has the nourishment ge food, for example egg, milk, Zhi private, vegetable etc., now is deliver a body period, I ground the Wu should diet, dieting very to the body Wu, may way go to weight over light, cause other disease etc. problem, so we absolute the Wu can diet.}
If think a healthy body, we should develop a good food habit, eating the fruit vegetable more. can't be in addition to dieting then. {If think to be healthy, we should develop a good food habit, eating the fruit vegetable more. can't be in addition to dieting then.}
2007-01-29 1:40 am
My ground should eat more nutritious food , such as the egg, milk, cheese, the vegetables,etc., it is development period now, I should not go on a diet , because it is not good to the health to go on a diet, may cause underweightly , cause such questions as other diseases ,etc., so we can't go on a diet definitely.
Think of the health like the fruit, we should form the good eating habit , can't go on a diet at will while eating more fruit vegetables

2007-01-29 1:39 am

we should eat more nutrition food, For example egg, Milk, Cheese, Vegetables ….. We should not diet, because diets to the body is not good, possibly can say excessively is light to the body weight, Initiates questions and other diseases, Therefore we shouldn’t diet.
If you want to be healthily, we should eat more fruits and vegetables, do not diet.
2007-01-29 1:37 am
We should eat more nutritious foods, such as eggs, milk, cheese, vegetables, it is growing. We should not diet, because a diet of poor health, may lead to weight, trigger other diseases. So, we do not want to diet. If healthy, we should develop good eating habits. eat more fruits and vegetables. Not toss dieting.

2007-02-12 20:16:44 補充:

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