
2007-01-28 11:26 pm
1.唔該幫我用a place/友誼/幻想/動物 四選一作12句以上既英文詩(用最最最最淺既英文詞語作,小6程度)
2.請用 No smoke please! 作一篇文(用最最最最淺既英文詞語作,小6程度),120字以上

回答 (3)

2007-01-29 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.In front of me,
2.I see a graphic,
3.which is not a square,
4.basic on its smoothness;
5.it’s also not a circle,
6.cause it’s not that round,
7.then what’s it?
8.yes, I get it!
9.it must be the abnormal graphic
10.I began to smile,
11.all of a sudden,
12.I see a question mark in it,
13.which nearly draw my all attention,
14.I think for a while,
15.yes, the importance is not its appearance,
16.but the inside, like how it asks,
17.which is just like whatever white cat or black cat,
18.the one who can catch the rat is better,
19.I try to think hard,
20.it’s of no use,
21.I began to put myself into it,
22.one hour later,
23.“Peter, Peter…”, I have no idea who is calling me,
24.“ hand over your paper, it's time”
參考: (-^□^-)
2007-01-28 11:51 pm
參考: Good luck!!!
2007-01-28 11:36 pm

2007-01-28 15:39:55 補充:
參考: 我~

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