Introduction of Titanic(10分!!!!)(超急!!!!)

2007-01-28 9:45 pm
可唔可以幫我寫個Introduction of Titanic

回答 (1)

2007-01-28 10:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Story for the most part is true. Hans Jensen and his fiancé, Carla Jensen were passengers on the Titanic along with Carla's uncle and cousin. Carla did have quarters in the single woman's section on the lower deck of the ship and did leave the Titanic in Life Boat 16. The evacuation process was supervised by Second Officer Lightoller, a witness in the mock trial. He was able to launch Collapsible Boat D, but this was the last lifeboat launched from the Titanic before it sank. As Boat D was being lowered past A-Deck, the other witness in the mock trial, Swedish Military Attaché Bjornstrom-Steffanson really did dive into the partially full lifeboat. The amazing story of Officer Lightoller being sucked under by the sinking ship and then blown back to the surface by an exploding boiler is also true. The information about what happened to Hans Jensen that night is speculation, because neither he, nor either of Carla's relatives survived the sinking of the Titantic. The sinking of the Titanic deeply affected Carla and when she died in 1980 she was buried in the nightgown that she wore the night she was lowered in Lifeboat 16 into the dark, freezing waters of the North Atlantic.

At dawn on April 15th, 1912, the CARPATHIA arrived on the scene, and those who had not yet frozen in the icy, North Atlantic waters, were rescued.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:59:43
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