有關Melbourne China Town的問題?

2007-01-28 9:07 pm
1)請問在18/Feb/07(年初一) 至 22/Feb/07(年初五)期間,在China Town的day trip travel agent 是否會照常營業?

2)有無一些係China Town for day trip travel agent information 可以比我?


回答 (2)

2007-01-30 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Shops in china town don't close in chinese new year, for there are lots of customers at that time. They close at X'mas.
2007-01-29 6:23 pm
我問過這一家agent在新年其間照常營業﹐網站裡有他們店的Map, 希望可以幫你。


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