點解DVD+RW碟 錄影洗咗後不能重錄?

2007-01-28 8:05 pm
我有部DVD錄影機 我買咗DVD+RW錄影片集睇完移除後再錄,點知它常常說我没放光蝶其實我有放的,不知為什麼 ?能否有人告訴我,和教我怎樣做呢 ,我文字題理解比較慢,請慢慢說清楚,非常多謝 !




回答 (2)

2007-01-28 11:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If "No Disc" shown,may be your disc is not clean.Please clean with soft dry cloth as suggested in your user's manual.
It pays to buy brand name quality disc which is more resistant to scratches.I find HP brand DVD+RW Ok,so are Kodak,Sony.
I used to have tons of problems with Philips 890 model DVD recorder which I finally threw out.
2007-01-28 10:14 pm
Check if the disc is dirty or with a lot of scratches, or the lens of the player is too dirty. These two reasons may make your player unable to read the disc. You may also try a new disc to see if the problem is on the player or the disc.

If you have done all of the above and the player still does not read, repair is the only way.

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