我想問下financial planner其實係做d咩架?

2007-01-28 11:37 am

同埋究竟要成為financial planner要有咩學歷?起薪點大約幾多?commission又是什麼?返工時間長唔長?等等....希望各位介紹得詳細d啦。

回答 (1)

2007-01-28 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
financial planner is a 21 century term for financial andbanking industry..
In banking , they may refer to the relationship manager sitting in the big desk at the bank for customer services for clients about mortgage, funds, investment, life insurances & general insurances, say home, maid, travel, car, & medical insurance, etc.

In financial e.g.insurance company., financial planner will be the insurnace consultant who sells and promtoes the products for that insurance company.

the financial planner generally nowadays requires the candidates with unveristy degrees and passed the paper 1,2,3,5,or even 7,8 (for investment) in order to be licensed to sell those products. Some financial planners may take the CFP (certified Financial planners), CFA, CLU which are popular in insurnace and banking industry.

If you have these qualifications, you may be better. In bank, there will be the salaries and bonus., in insurance companies, less basic salary or no basic salaries, but much higher commissions. you may earn more than HK$100000 per month; but in bank, you cannot do that. In insurance, around 35-45 % commission for the first year policy., e.g the policy per year is HK$10000 and you will earn HK$45000 commission for the first year!! there is no officla office hour for insurance agent but in bank, normally the bank hours and you are not allowed to cold call in the street for the bank due to the image.

if you like cold call and earn much money, insurance - financial planner suits you; but if you like to stay at the office and clients come to your desk, then work in bank but the income is fixed or a little higher.

both needs a quota;

2007-02-02 11:13:59 補充:
Thanks but you need to read it as a financial planner needs to read many English policies and tell the clients

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