
2007-01-28 9:35 am
唔好意思 我想問 如果我去泰國 搭ox 即係泰國東方航空既話

回答 (4)

2007-01-28 12:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
應該每件唔過23KG, 即係50磅... 而國泰就係32KG, = 70磅.. 不過泰國東方航空個網頁無講.. 因為每一間航空公司都有唔同限制... 你最好打去問清楚..

訂位電話 2366 6869
一般查詢 2116 8730

至於手提行李, 體積唔可以超過 22 吋 x 14 吋 x 9 吋 ( 即 56 厘 米 x 36 厘 米 x 23 厘 米 ).. 個重量就要視乎返個別航空公司既限制... 國泰限10磅, 楓葉航空限22磅... 問清楚好d...
2007-01-29 12:39 pm
重量有限制,大件行李,有OVER SIZE櫃位替你CHECK IN的.除非你的行李大過滑浪板?
2007-01-28 5:25 pm
東方航空=20-25KG, STUDENT IS =40KG!!!!
2007-01-28 9:47 am
Currently... There is no size limit of check-in luggage... However, for weight of check-in luggage, that is restricted to 20kg only... So as long as it in under 20kg, its size doesnt matter...
Regarding to hand-carry... You are allow 1 piece of hand carry which size is within (56 cm x 36 cm x 23 cm)... And for hand carry luggage, you will only allow 7kg of hand carry... But usually the check-in staff will not check, as long as your hand-carry luggage doesnt looks too heavy...

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